Happy Independence Day | Täuelsizdik Küniñizben

Camila Sagyntkan / Short Fiction / Kazakhstan / Kazakh, Russian / 16:29 / 2023

9th March 2024 | 11.15 am | CD Deshmukh Auditorium

A middle-aged man Marat loses his meaning in life after the death of his love. His dissatisfaction with the new society increases and the fear of remaining unnecessary to anyone scares him. Marat tries to find a new sense of life against all societal, economic, and political changes in the country through work and his son’s pride but finds it completely different.

Directors’ bio:

Camila Sagyntkan is a director and producer from Almaty, Kazakhstan. She is also a lawyer with a bachelor’s degree in legal studies received in 2018 in Saint Petersburg. After she came back to her native city she worked in the movie industry, as a 1AD, producer, writer, and script supervisor. For her, creating her first short film was a chance to break through the debut barrier and find joy in showcasing the dynamic essence of Kazakhstan’s search for a new identity and the fast-forward poignant metaphor in just 16 minutes.