
Anti-Human Rhapsody

KIM Sook Hyun / Films from SEOUL / South Korea /  No Dialogue Language Subtitle Language English / 17 minutes / 2024

7th March 2025 | 07:45 PM | C. D. Deshmukh Auditorium

We are living in a time of catastrophe: global warming, extreme climate change, declining biodiversity, and the threat of extinction.  These crises raise the need for a fundamental reflection on anthropocentrism and the relationship between humans and non-humans. Within this context, <Human Discord Rhapsody> imagines a world without us and emphasizes that the world we live in is more than a human world. Snails and ants imagine and sing about a world without us and a world beyond humans, respectively.

Instead of a terrarium reproducing nature, <Human Discord Rhapsody> is set in an abandoned factory and a modern apartment, making it unfamiliar to the audience. Through this unfamiliarity, the audience can strongly feel the presence of non-human beings. The non-human beings are the protagonists and performers of the world.